In accordance with the “Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act” (Clery Act) the UC Santa Barbara Police Department publishes an Annual Security & Fire Safety Report to provide information regarding campus safety and security policies, crime statistics, fire statistics, fire-related policies, and resources to current and prospective students and employees. This report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning crimes reported to Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property, and on public property adjacent to and accessible from campus. The report also includes fire statistics for on-campus student housing facilities, and campus policies concerning crime prevention, fire safety, crime reporting, alcohol and drug use, sexual and interpersonal violence, student discipline, and other matters. To access the Annual Security & Fire Safety Report visit or click on the link below. A copy of this report may also be requested by contacting the UC Santa Barbara Police Department at (805) 893-3446 or by visiting  Public Safety Bldg 574., Santa Barbara, CA 93106 during business hours.

Submit a CSA Report


Learn more about other Clery Act requirements using the links below: 

Timely Warnings & Emergency Notifications

Daily Crime & Fire Log and Map


Annual Disclosure Notification

Annual Security & Fire Safety Report

CSA Information & Resources

Links for Campus Security Authorities (CSAs):

CSA Report Form

CSA Reporting Guide

CSA Reporting Procedure

CSA PowerPoint Training

Clery Act Crime Definitions

Clery Act Geography

UCOP Clery Act Policy

Extended Clery Act Training

US Dept of Ed Handbook


For more information, please contact Jessica Fougere:, (805) 893-2324, or A/Lieutenant Jeff Lupo:, (805) 893-2587