
We love hearing stories of extraordinary service provided by one of our team members. If you would like to share a story of a job-well-done by one of our employees or officers, please use the online feedback form. Verbal commendations may also be given to an on-duty supervisor. We appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us. 

If your commendation involves a Police Officer or other UC Santa Barbara Police Department employee, you will be asked to provide the officer/employee's name. If you do not have this information, explain what happened and when it occurred (i.e. date, time, and location of the incident). While you may submit this form anonymously, we highly encourage you to provide your name, phone number or email so we may follow up with you.

Commendations for UCSB Police employees can be submitted directly to the University of California Office of the President here:


If you believe the conduct of an employee was inappropriate, you may file a complaint through one of these methods: 

1) Online: Complaints involving UCSB Police employees can be submitted directly to the University of California Office of the President here:

2) In Person: At the Campus Police station. (Public Safety Bldg 574, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106)

3) By Telephone: Contact the Patrol Watch Commander at (805) 893-3446.

4) Send a letter, fax, or email, describing your incident, to the UC Santa Barbara Police Department (Address the communication to A/Lieutenant Jeff Lupo or Chief Yao)

         Mail: Public Safety Bldg 574, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106

         FAX: (805) 893-8569

         E-Mail: A/Lieutenant Jeff Lupo - or Chief Alex Yao -

Anonymous complaints will also be accepted. Complaints will result in an investigation, and complainants will be notified of the disposition.

Complaint Investigation Process

UCSB Police Complaint Statistics

Complaint FAQs:

In most instances, complaints are investigated by a sworn UCSB Police supervisor of rank greater than the accused or involved employee(s). If a conflict of interest arises, or the nature of the complaint could be considered to be egregious, a private firm may be contracted to investigate the complaint.

Complaint Investigation Process

The UCSB Police Department will contact each person who makes a complaint by either phone or email. However, those who chose to submit anonymously may or may not be contacted.

UCSB PD has a complaint tracking system, which is the responsibility of the Administrative lieutenant. The tracking system will assign a tracking number to the complaint, identify the complainant, the type of allegation(s), the employee(s) involved, the employee(s) commander(s), UCSB affiliation, the due date of the investigation, the finding(s) and policy violation(s), if applicable, and the discipline imposed, if applicable.

Your commendation will be forwarded to the employee and to their supervisor. A copy of the commendation will be placed in the employee’s personnel file.

All complaints will be brought to the attention of the Chief of Police, who will then designate a Lieutenant to coordinate an investigation into the complaint, including notification of the employee, in accordance with the Police Officer’s Bill of Rights. 

Each allegation shall be classified with one of the following dispositions: 

Unfounded - When the investigation discloses that the alleged act(s) did not occur or did not involve department personnel. Complaints which are determined to be frivolous will fall within the classification of unfounded (Penal Code § 832.5(c)).

Exonerated - When the investigation discloses that the alleged act occurred, but that the act was justified, lawful and/or proper.

Not Sustained - When the investigation discloses that there is insufficient evidence to sustain the complaint or fully exonerate the employee. 

Sustained - When the investigation discloses sufficient evidence to establish that the act occurred and that it constituted misconduct.

Questions, concerns, or additional information regarding your complaint should be directed to Chief Alex Yao -


All investigations of UCSB Police personnel complaints, whether originating from a citizen or internally, shall be considered confidential peace officer personnel files. The contents of such files shall not be revealed to anyone other than the involved employee or authorized personnel except pursuant to lawful process.

In the event that an accused employee (or the representative of such employee) knowingly makes false representations regarding any internal investigation and such false representations are communicated to any media source, the Department may disclose sufficient information from the employee's personnel file to refute such false representations (Penal Code § 832.5). 

All sustained citizen's complaints shall be maintained for a period of at least five years (Penal Code § 832.5). All internally initiated complaints shall be maintained at least two years (Government Code § 34090 et seq.). Sustained complaints shall be maintained in the employee's personnel file. Complaints which are unfounded, exonerated or not sustained shall be maintained by the Internal Affairs Unit apart from the employee's personnel file.