A Message from Chief Yao:

We take great pride in providing and promoting a safe and secure environment for the students, faculty, staff and visitors here at the University of California, Santa Barbara. We strive to work collaboratively and cooperatively with all members of the University, and surrounding communities, in providing comprehensive, community-centered and professional police services where the vibrant and diverse campus community can thrive.

UCSB Police Officers have statewide jurisdiction; are duly sworn under section 830.2 of the California Penal Code; and are trained under state guidelines and mandates. The UCSB Police Department is a full service police organization that is open 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. UCSB PD values transparency in policing and I encourage you to contact us if you have any questions related to the services provided by our department.

University of California Police Officers generally provide for the peace, safety, and security of persons and facilities on the University campus, properties owned, controlled, or occupied by the University of California. It is the function of the patrol unit to provide twenty-four hour uniformed patrol coverage and police response to all areas of the university. Officers provide preventative patrols on foot, bicycle, all-terrain vehicles, and motor-vehicles; receive, process and investigate complaints by members of the community; respond to emergencies and crimes, accidents and injuries, illness and natural disaster; protect persons and property through crime prevention, arrest offenders; appear and testify in court, and provide traffic control and enforcement.

The Detective Bureau fulfills the community’s need for advanced resources in criminal investigations, criminal intelligence, threat management, crime prevention, dignitary protection, and liaison to external agencies. This investigative unit actively participates in the Santa Barbara Regional Narcotics Enforcement Task Force (SBRNET), Santa Barbara County Arson Task Force, Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), and works closely with the Joint Regional Information Center (JRIC). In addition, the Detective Bureau investigates all major felonies, crimes against persons, property crimes, general crimes, and actively supports the campus threat management process.

The Communications Unit provides radio and telephone support services to department personnel and the public. Services include: dispatching police and CSO personnel to all calls for emergency and routine services; requesting additional law enforcement, fire and EMS resources if needed from allied agencies; providing information and assistance to the public; monitoring alarm systems for fire, hazard, security and intrusion; monitoring CCTV systems; issuing emergency and timely warning notices to the campus community; after-hours notification to campus and housing Physical Facilities personnel for urgent maintenance needs; and maintaining crime and traffic record data systems.

The Isla Vista Foot Patrol (IVFP) was initiated in 1970 in the interest of developing “community based policing” for the community of Isla Vista. The UCSB Police Department works with the Santa Barbara County Sherriff’s Department (SBSO) and the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to staff the IVFP. While the SBSO maintains primary jurisdiction and responsibility for Isla Vista, the UCSB Police Department and California Highway Patrol provide a supportive role in serving the special needs of a highly diverse community. The UCSB Police Department also serves an important role in advocating and representing the University’s interests in matters related to law enforcement, safety, and security.

The Records Unit provides information resources and law enforcement records to University departments, members of the public, and law enforcement affiliates. The Records Unit serves as the “clearing house” for information developed and recorded by most units of the Police Department. Services include police record maintenance and control; employment identification processing; records liaison with other University departments. Additionally, the Records Unit also performs the department’s crime analysis function and works to provide timely data to operational units within the department.

The UCSB Police Department strives to provide and encourage its personnel to participate in training and advanced education. Training is offered to all staff, as much as possible, within the confines and dictates of the department, budgetary constraints, staffing requirements, assignments, and legal mandates.

The UCSB Police Department, along with more than 600 law enforcement agencies statewide, is part of the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) program

In accordance with the “Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act” (Clery Act), the UCSB Police Department publishes an Annual Security & Fire Safety Report to provide information regarding campus safety and security policies, crime statistics, and resources to current and prospective students and employees. This report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning crimes reported to Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property, and on public property adjacent to and accessible from campus. The report also includes campus policies concerning crime prevention, crime reporting, alcohol and drug use, sexual and interpersonal violence, student discipline, and other matters. To access the Annual Security & Fire Safety Report, click here. A copy of this report may also be requested by contacting the UCSB Police Department (call 805-893-3446 or visit 574 Public Safety Bldg., Santa Barbara, CA 93106 during business hours). 

By the Numbers...    



Number of Staff      
  Police Officers 32  
  Administrative Staff 13  
  Student Staff 37  
  Grand Total 82  
Staff Category      
  Police Officers 39%  
  Administrative Staff 16%  
  Student Staff 45%  
  Grand Total 100%  
  Police Officers    
  Women 25%  
  Men 75%  
  Unknown 0%  
  Grand Total 100%  
  Administrative Staff    
  Women 54%  
  Men 46%  
  Unknown 0%  
  Grand Total 100%  
  Student Staff    
  Women 22%  
  Men 78%  
  Unknown 0%  
  Grand Total 100%  
Racial Makeup      
  Police Officers    
  URG 31%  
  Non-URG 69%  
  No Information 0%  
  Total 100%  
  Administrative Staff    
  URG 15%  
  Non-URG 85%  
  No Information 0%  
  Total 100%  
  Student Staff    
  URG 46%  
  Non-URG 54%  
  No Information 0%  
  Total 100%  
      The underrepresented groups (URG) include Hispanic/Latinx, African American/Black,American Indian, and Native Hawaiian. The non-URG category includes Asian, White, and two or more races. The data follows federal reporting (IPEDS) guidelines and definitions for employees of two or more races. For more information, visit https://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/report-your-data/race-ethnicity-definitions

The University of California Police Department is charged with the important task of safeguarding the University's students, faculty, and staff. UCPD and its officers must be able to effectively engage with the diverse and ever-changing campus community. The Community Outreach Team proactively engages in open and responsive dialogue with our community, focusing on principles of community policing, and providing education on topics of crime prevention and safety awareness. 

The Community Service Organization (CSO) is comprised of UCSB students who work closely and collaboratively with the University Police Department in serving the campus community. The CSO program began in 1972 as a communication link between police and students. Since this time, the CSO program has expanded to meet the community’s needs and currently fulfills a myriad of safety and security needs. Community Service Officers provide public assistance and personal safety escorts, complete security checks, detect safety hazards, and routinely enhance safety and security for both campus residence halls and various special event venues. Community Service Officers provide support and services to the approximately 18,000 bicyclists that use the campus each day through bicycle registration, storage, and bicycle parking enforcement. The CSO Unit is a vital partner in the safe operation of campus operations.

The Property Unit safeguards the custody and disposal of police evidence, contraband, and processes campus lost & found property in accordance with State laws.

A/Lieutenant Jeff Lupo


Tel: (805) 893-2587

Lieutenant Matt Bly


Tel: (805) 893-2845