There are four ways you can submit an Employee Commendation/Complaint to the UC Santa Barbara Police Department:

1) Online: For your convenience, an online Employee Commendation/Complaint form available here

2) In Person: At the Campus Police station. (Public Safety Bldg 574, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106)

3) By Telephone: Contact the Patrol Watch Commander at (805) 893-3446.

4) Send a letter, fax, or email, describing your incident, to the UC Santa Barbara Police Department (Address the communication to A/Lieutenant Jeff Lupo or Chief Yao)

Mail: Public Safety Bldg 574, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106

FAX: (805) 893-8569

E-Mail: A/Lieutenant Jeff Lupo - or Chief Alex Yao -

In most instances, complaints are investigated by a sworn UCSB Police supervisor of rank greater than the accused or involved employee(s). If a conflict of interest arises, or the nature of the complaint could be considered to be egregious, a private firm may be contracted to investigate the complaint. 

The UCSB Police Department will contact each person who makes a complaint by either phone or email. However, those who chose to submit anonymously may or may not be contacted.

Your commendation will be forwarded to the employee and to their supervisor. A copy of the commendation will be placed in the employee’s personnel file.

All complaints will be brought to the attention of the Chief of Police, who will then designate a Lieutenant to coordinate an investigation into the complaint, including notification of the employee, in accordance with the Police Officer’s Bill of Rights. 

Each allegation shall be classified with one of the following dispositions: 

Unfounded - When the investigation discloses that the alleged act(s) did not occur or did not involve department personnel. Complaints which are determined to be frivolous will fall within the classification of unfounded (Penal Code § 832.5(c)).

Exonerated - When the investigation discloses that the alleged act occurred, but that the act was justified, lawful and/or proper.

Not Sustained - When the investigation discloses that there is insufficient evidence to sustain the complaint or fully exonerate the employee. 

Sustained - When the investigation discloses sufficient evidence to establish that the act occurred and that it constituted misconduct.

Questions, concerns, or additional information regarding your complaint should be directed to Chief Alex Yao (


All investigations of UCSB Police personnel complaints, whether originating from a citizen or internally, shall be considered confidential peace officer personnel files. The contents of such files shall not be revealed to anyone other than the involved employee or authorized personnel except pursuant to lawful process.

In the event that an accused employee (or the representative of such employee) knowingly makes false representations regarding any internal investigation and such false representations are communicated to any media source, the Department may disclose sufficient information from the employee's personnel file to refute such false representations (Penal Code § 832.5). 

All sustained citizen's complaints shall be maintained for a period of at least five years (Penal Code § 832.5). All internally initiated complaints shall be maintained at least two years (Government Code § 34090 et seq.). Sustained complaints shall be maintained in the employee's personnel file. Complaints which are unfounded, exonerated or not sustained shall be maintained by the Internal Affairs Unit apart from the employee's personnel file.

While the police department’s administrative offices—like Records, Lost & Found, and CSO—keep regular business hours, the operations side of the department is open 24 hours a day. Police Officers are always available to take reports and respond to emergencies and Dispatchers are always there to take your call and get you the help you need as soon as feasibly possible.

While University Police have statewide jurisdiction, they typically only take reports for crimes that occur on campus or on university owned property, therefore, it is important for the dispatcher to ascertain where the crime occurred in order to connect you with the proper agency. There are four law enforcement agencies operating in our immediate area:

The Isla Vista Foot Patrol holds jurisdiction for all crimes that occur on non-university owned in Isla Vista. The unit is comprised of law enforcement personnel working together from three agencies: Santa Barbara Sheriff’s, UCSB Police and CHP.

Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Department handles all calls that originate in the city of Goleta and in Santa Barbara County.

California Highway Patrol handles all vehicle accidents and traffic complaints in the County. That is, they cover all traffic issues that occur outside of Goleta and Santa Barbara city limits. UCSB Police officers handle all traffic accidents that occur on campus.

Santa Barbara Police Department handles all calls that occur at the Santa Barbara Airport and within Santa Barbara city limits.

Isla Vista Foot Patrol: (805) 681-4179  
Santa Barbara Sheriff: Dispatch (805) 683-2724 Main (805) 681-4100
Santa Barbara Police: Dispatch (805) 897-2410 Main (805) 897-2300
CHP: Dispatch (805) 477-4174 Main (805) 967-1234


If your bike was parked anywhere on campus other than in a bike rack then it's possible it was impounded by the CSOs for being illegally parked. Check with the CSO office at 805-893-5293 and if they didn't impound your bike call police dispatch to report your bicycle stolen.

If you have the serial number for your property (or if you've registered your bike with CSO) then the property can be entered into a statewide database and, if that property is recovered, it can be returned to you. If the item is not reported stolen, or you do not have the serial number for it, then it's extremely difficult for the police department to link the property to you. It is always a good idea to write down the serial number along with a description of your property and store it in a safe location. Whenever possible, etch personal information, like your driver's license number, into the property as well.

No. It is important we talk to the victim of the crime because, ultimately, we will have questions that the person you designate to call on your behalf cannot answer. It is generally a good rule of thumb to contact us when you have 20 or 30 minutes available. We can take reports 24/7 over the phone or in person. You can come to the police department or we can send an officer to your door.

Additionally, if you borrowed someone's property and had it stolen then we need to speak to both parties, the owner of the property and the borrower so it's best to contact us when the two of you are together.

It's difficult for officers to do something about a suspicious subject if the person is no longer in the area. Therefore, if you see something weird or someone acting strangely, then you should report it immediately.

UCSB Parking Services handles all parking issues. They can be reached at (805) 893-2346 or via their website here.

All fines are paid at the Santa Barbara Municipal Courthouse, (805) 568-3959. Please refer to the back of your citation for additional details and information.

UCSB Police no longer provide live scan services. Please contact the Santa Barbara Police Department, Santa Barbara Sheriff's Office or a private vendor for this service.

Any items found on campus can be taken to a drop off point (i.e. the UCEN front desk; the Community Relations Office; the library) or the item can be brought directly to our station. All lost and found items turned into the Police Department are given to the Lost & Found division, (805) 893-3843. Check Lost & Found:

All items lost on University property are processed through the Lost and Found Office located in North Hall, room 1131. University policy 5905 requires all items found on University property to be turned over to the Police Department. All items are held for 90 days prior to being reclaimed, auctioned, or discarded.

Hours of Operation: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

Contact Information:

Phone: (805) 893-3843


More information about the Bike/Skateboard Safety Class can be found here.

The UCSB Alert system was created to enhance and promote safety on campus by providing students, faculty, and staff with timely access to important information. The system sends two types of communications to the campus community: Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications. Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications are required pursuant to the Jeanne Clery Campus Security Act. For more information about alerts, see the Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications web page. 

Timely Warnings are issued when UCPD receives notice of a "Clery crime" that occurred on "Clery geography" that, in the professional opinion of law enforcement, represents a serious or continuing threat to the campus community. In addition to warning community members, these alerts can aid in crime prevention. For more information about alerts, see the Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications web page. 

Emergency Notifications have a wider focus than the Timely Warnings and are issued for any significant emergency or dangerous situation occurring on the campus that involves an immediate active threat to the health or safety of the campus community. For more information about alerts, see the Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications web page.